09 Jun Optimize Your Blog Images with Alt Tags
What in the world is an Alt Tag?
Images are great for readers and can be great for SEO. Visual content is becoming more and more important, and readers want to see enticing photos. Since search engines can’t “see” your image the same way readers can, they use the alt tag as their description of the image. Alt tags are also meant to be displayed in case the image doesn’t load. This way, readers and search engines know what the image was supposed to be.
The key with alt tags is to use a short description of what the image is or what it’s supposed to represent. Having your image’s file name and your alt tag coordinate is best if you have control over the image file names. Side Note: If you are naming or renaming images before you add them to your post, use hyphens to separate words. For example, “jackson-hole-lodging-queen-room.jpg” is much more recognizable to search engines than “jacksonholelodgingqueenroom.jpg.”
Once you have your picture on the post, click on it and 2 images will appear in the top left corner. One is a small, scenery picture and the other is a red circle with a line through it. Click the scenery picture to bring up the settings shown above.
Optimizing your alt tags is a great way to boost your blog post optimization and make it more likely to be found by search engines.