Increase Open Rates With These Subject Line Tips

Increase Open Rates With These Subject Line Tips


Your customers want to hear from you, but they likely have a lot of emails going through their inboxes. Keep your emails from their virtual trashcan with these subject line tips:

  • Keep it short: Subject lines should be no more than 50 characters. A concise and effective subject line is all you need. Leave the details for the email content.
  • Try A/B testing: Most professional email software programs offer this feature, including Campaign Monitor, our personal favorite. This is a great way to boost open rates for a campaign!
  • Tone down promotional language: Don’t be tempted to use all caps or too many promotional words. This could land your emails in their spam folder.
  • Get creative: Ask questions and think of new ways to phrase your subject line to spark interesting. For example:
    • You’re missing out on… (a great discount, a big event, etc.)
    • Where to take your family vacation this summer
    • Don’t open this email unless you… (want a great deal, want to find out X, etc.)
  • Personalize when possible: If you have enough client data, add a first name to the subject line. If you have names for only some emails, make sure the subject line sounds right with and without a name.