25 Sep Get Better Engagement on Facebook
We all know that it’s harder to reach your fans organically on Facebook than it used to be. Facebook’s algorithm changes continually, and they’ve pushed for more advertising. Before you spend your money on promoting Facebook posts, try these tips for better engagement. Keep in mind that more engagement (likes, comments and shares) means more people will see your posts. The more people see your posts, the more Facebook will show your posts to people. Basically, more engaging posts = farther reach.
1. Ask your fans a question! Example: if you have a funny wildlife photo, ask your fans to caption it.
2. Always include a visual. Videos typically get more engagement than photos, and photos get more engagement than no visual at all. Don’t waste your time only posting words on Facebook.
3. Ask for what you want. Are you trying to get the word out about a promotion or piece of news? Ask your fans to share your post, and be sure to say “please.” Several studies have shown that asking (politely!) for an action will give you results.
- Another example: Share a great scenery photo and post it with a message such as, “Like if you’ve seen _____ in person!”
4. Timing. Be mindful about the time of day you are posting and scheduling posts. Engagement varies by industry, but typically, before 8:00 AM and after 8:00 PM get the lowest engagement. Later weekdays (Wednesday-Friday) get better engagement than Saturday-Tuesday. If you have specific questions about the best timing for you, let us know and we are happy to help.