10 Jun Why Should You Blog?
It can be hard to understand the value of a blog when you don’t see immediate results like you might on your Facebook posts, yet we are always suggesting that you blog. Here are a few reasons why you should blog and stay active on your blog throughout the year:
- Position yourself as an expert. Share your amazing tips, reports, how-to guides, recipes, least crowded hiking trails, and other information that you know. Be a resource for your readers to keep them coming back. This also creates trust and brand awareness.
- Optimize for search engines. Every time you write a post, you are giving search engines fresh content, and they will reward you for it. Blogging also gives you an opportunity to link to other pages on your own site and other sites, and share optimized images and videos. When people find your posts on search engines and come back time and time again to read them, search engines recognize it and you are likely to start showing up higher on search results across the board.
- Shareable content. We love to suggest sharing your blog on Facebook. If you’ve already written the post, it only takes a couple more minutes to go to Facebook and share the link with a comment inviting people to read it. Encourage your fans to share the link, too! Generate a buzz around your business and get targeted people (your fans) to your website for free.
- Hard facts. Studies have shown that sites with a business blog see up to 55% more trafficthan those that don’t. Even if you don’t sell these visitors right away, they know about you and will keep you top of mind, refer you to friends, share your content, and become an advocate for you.